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At Sommerfield Homes, the entire experience and concept of specialised elderly care has been rethought and reshaped from the ground up. Their homes exist on the intersection between technology, quality care and carefully designed Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) to ensure that not only are our elders medical care optimised, but also that they experience the highest quality of life commensurate to their circumstances.
Sommerfield Homes concept of renewed specialised elderly care has now teamed up with iSensei @ Damansara to offer more to the elders in the way of Traditional Chinese Medication (TCM). With belief in the efficacy of TCM to improve the holistic wellness of the day to day living of its residents this collaboration with iSensei @ Damansara, a well-respected TCM company employing highly qualified practitioners with aims to achieve the best wellness and quality of life for our Residents.